Latest Episodes

Love Your Neighbor As Yourself
Jesus taught us that the second most important commandment in the whole Bible is to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Despite this,...

The Bible: Told Through Story
Our minds are specifically designed for stories, and story is a powerful force in our daily lives. The Bible is a fascinating narrative, a...

The Wedding Banquet of the Lamb
The “wedding banquet of the Lamb” is spoken of in Revelation 19 and Isaiah 25, and is a topic of much misinterpretation. This teaching...

The Covenants of God
God is the ruler of His Creation, and He will bring to pass the things He has promised. To truly understand the richness of...

The Revelation Manifestations
Understanding the receiving of revelation from God and the Lord Jesus Christ includes ascertaining it as a message of knowledge or wisdom to the...

Jesus taught that the greatest commandment of all is to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Conversely the greatest sin...