Endurance Inspired by Hope

October 01, 2012
Endurance Inspired by Hope
Spirit & Truth Podcast
Endurance Inspired by Hope

Oct 01 2012 |


Show Notes

Any worthy goal is only achieved through endurance, and the key to endurance is how much we are inspired by the goal. Christians have no greater goal than everlasting life and the rewards we will receive from the Lord when we appear before his throne. The letters to the seven congregations in the Book of Revelation show how Jesus seeks to inspire believers in their faithfulness and endurance with some wonderful promises. 

Verses: 2 Thess. 1:3; Rev. 1:3, 10, 19, 20; 2:1-20, 25-29; 3:1-22; Exod. 20:3; Matt. 22:37; John 14:12; Heb. 11:6; Rom. 13:13; 1 Cor. 6:18 

Teacher: Dan Gallagher 

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