Father Figures

September 01, 2016
Father Figures
Spirit & Truth Podcast
Father Figures

Sep 01 2016 |


Show Notes

Teacher: Dave Hanson

Both in the Bible and in the world around us, it is evident that one of the most fundamentally important relationships is the one that exists between a father and a child, and it’s no coincidence that one of the primary ways God relates to mankind—specifically to the Body of Christ—is as a Father figure. In this teaching by Dave Hanson, we will look at the topic of father figures from three angles: father and son relationships; what the love of the Father looks like; and what we should do with that great love that God has provided for us. We believe that this teaching will give you greater insight into the relationship between God and His children and how this bond enriches and empowers us to walk out our lives and serve God and others, following the leading of our Heavenly Father.

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