Anger can be justifiable or unjustifiable. This teaching looks at the physiological, psychological, and spiritual prices we pay when we deal with our anger inappropriately. It also provides strategies for properly dealing with anger, both our own and someone else’s when it is directed at us.
Verses: Eph. 4:26-27, 29-32; Ps. 2:2-3; 78:12-16, 38; 103:8; Jer. 44:1-8; Rom. 1:18; 7:15-23; 12:17-21; Mark 3:1-6; John 2:13-19; Matt. 5:33-37; 16:21-23; Luke 9:51-56; 13:10-17; 15:1-32; 2 Cor. 12:20-21; Prov. 15:1-2; 16:32
Teacher: Karen Theisen
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