The book of Nehemiah is filled with leadership principles. This teaching, using the record of Nehemiah’s rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem as an example, demonstrates the power of holding a clear, godly vision, and explores six steps involved in accomplishing that vision.
Verses: Neh. 1:3-6, 11; 2:4-11, 16-20; 4:1, 4-10, 14-15; 6:1-8, 11-16; Luke 4:1-8, 15-30; 14:28-30
Teacher: Dan Gallagher
1 Corinthians 12 contains wording that can be confusing, making it seem like each Christian can manifest only one of the nine manifestations listed....
One of the nine manifestations of the gift of holy spirit is the interpretation of tongues, and as speaking in tongues is praise, worship...
Jesus taught us that the second most important commandment in the whole Bible is to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Despite this,...