The Helper

October 01, 2013
The Helper
Spirit & Truth Podcast
The Helper

Oct 01 2013 |


Show Notes

Jesus knew intimately how difficult the spiritual battle is and that when he left, his followers were going to need spiritual help. He promised that he would not leave them alone and was sending them a helper. This teaching provides insight into specific ways we can rely on the helper, holy spirit, to assist us as we endeavor to do the good works we were created to do. 

Verses: John 7:39; 14:1, 12-18, 21, 23, 26; 15:26-27; 16:13-14, 21; Luke 24:46-49; Acts 1:4-5; 2:6-11; 23:6; Joel 2:28; Isa. 44:3-5; Matt. 10:26-27, 19-20. 

Teacher: Dan Gallagher 

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