Women have been excluded from teaching and leading in the Christian Church, historically and currently. 1 Timothy 2:11-15 has been used to support this stance. This teaching clarifies the meaning of these verses.
Verses: 2 Sam. 20:14-22; Rom. 12:3-8; 16:1-7, 12, 15; 1 Tim. 2:11-15; Prov. 31:1
Teacher: Sue Carlson
We learn from the example of King Solomon that we need godly character in order to walk in godly wisdom year after year. Wisdom...
For centuries the voices of women have been stifled in the Church due primarily to two New Testament scripture references that have been mistranslated...
There is great value in having a heart to do God’s will and to serve Him as a faithful vessel, even if we feel...