The Bible employs many figures of speech; it also contains poetry and wisdom literature that are written in a non-literal way. In biblical cultures “wisdom statements” were well-understood, but in our much more straightforward and factual writing of today, those statements can be confusing. This teaching shows how wisdom statements can be clarified in light of the scope of Scripture.
Verses: Gen. 25:21-23; 1 Kings 22:15; Ps.1:6; Prov. 11:31; 13:5; 15:6; 16:3, 7; 18:3; 22:6; Isa. 55:12; Matt. 5:13, Rom. 13:3; 1 Pet. 3:13; 1 John 1:8; 3:1-9
Teacher: John Schoenheit
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