Latest Episodes
Blessing One Another
Many Christians do not realize that the biblical phrase “one another” refers specifically to Christians. God commands us to act for the benefits of...
Rewards in the Future Kingdom
The subject of rewards in the coming Kingdom of Christ on earth is not very well understood. However, rewards are addressed in dozens of ...
Can Anything Separate Us From the Love of God?
One of the believer’s privileges set forth in the book of Romans is “eternal life.” This teaching explores what it means to be “more...
Fulfilling Your Function in the Body of Christ
Understanding the work that God has called each of us to is vital as our effectiveness for Christ depends on our understanding of our...
Living Wholeheartedly
Going through life our hearts can become numb and unable to fully experience the depths of joy and love. We may become afraid to...
When It Hurts to Bend the Knee
There is more to worshipping God than attending church or singing praises. Worship involves sacrifice. Becoming a disciple is an act of worship. It...