Latest Episodes

8 Watts of Willingness
There is great value in having a heart to do God’s will and to serve Him as a faithful vessel, even if we feel...

The Real Christmas Story
The Christmas story is important because the birth of Christ is important. The traditional story of His birth contains many errors, and presents a...

It’s Okay To Enjoy Your Life
There is a belief among many Christians that we don’t deserve and should not pursue enjoyment in this life--that life should only be taken...

No Retirement
This teaching explores the importance of our individual calling and how each of us has been redeemed to a life of service to Jesus....

The Shema of Deuteronomy 6:4
The Shema is not only a declaration to Israel – it is a statement about relationship. This teaching presents three aspects of the Shema:...

Live Joyfully in Every Circumstance
Philippians is a wonderful book in the Church Epistles, a letter penned by Paul with an abundance of encouragement and instruction for believers. One...