Understanding what God has given us is a key to being a cheerful giver. Each person’s ministry is a unique gift and God will help each person fulfill his ministry. The Bible provides keys to defending against the Adversary’s lie that we may be “missing out.”
A 4-Part Highlight from Live Out Loud Conference, 2005, including “Knowing What God has Given Us and Giving from that Abundance, Staying Fired up in the Spiritual Battle, Will You Answer the Call? And 4 Keys for Success in this Life.
Verses: 2 Cor. 1:3-5; 5:17-21; 9:6-11; Rom. 5:5; 8:37; [KL] John 8:31-34; 10:10; James 1:2-3, 12; Gal. 6:9-10; Heb. 11:31-38; Eph. 6:10-20; Jer. 29:11; 1 John 2:25, 28; Matt. 6:33; 1 Cor. 3:16
Teacher: Billy Darr, Kathy Lunardini, Ryan M., Dallas Estes
A primary basis of being happy and satisfied in life is being thankful. Rather than presenting thankfulness as an option , the Bible actually...
Records in the Four Gospels show that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior and also our hero and role model. Scripture reveals that...
From God’s perspective, no one ever born is to be considered “ordinary.” Sadly, despite such potential for being “extraordinary” through God, far too many...