For centuries the voices of women have been stifled in the Church due primarily to two New Testament scripture references that have been mistranslated and mishandled. That misinterpretation stands in contradiction to the larger context of the New Testament concerning women. On the Day of Pentecost, women also received holy spirit, and spoke and taught in the early Church.
Verses: 1 Cor. 1:11; 7:2; 11:5-6; 14:5, 23-24, 26, 29-37; 16:19; Acts 2:17-18; 21:9; 1 Tim. 2:11-13; Rev. 2:20-21; Phil. 1:2; 4:2; Col. 4:15; 2 Tim. 4:21; Job 29:21
Teacher: John Schoenheit
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